Why ‘perpetual learning’ will help you thrive in the changing world of work

The concept of skilling, reskilling and lifelong learning is not new. What is new is that the pace of disruption is faster than ever; educational and career pathways are less defined; and the need for perpetual learning is the new normal. In this model, universities play the role of orchestrators in the talent ecosystem – which includes community colleges, vocational institutions, online course providers, boot camps, project-based work and entrepreneurial challenges. Together, they create new relationships with employers and industry in their local areas to provide relevant skilled talent for everything from one project, to short-term or long-term employment.

Although these are all impactful efforts, they are unlikely to be enough to keep up with the demands of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Companies and educational institutions can lead the way in helping to create a more inclusive future by transitioning from traditional models and coming together to inspire perpetual learning. Not only can we prepare people with the right skills and help them participate in the digital economy, but we can collectively help ensure that no one is left behind.

Source: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/03/continuous-learning-changing-world-work/

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